Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO)
Parent-Teacher-Student Organization (PTSO)
What is the Parent Teacher Staff Organization?
The Caleb Greenwood Parent Teacher Staff Organization is a collaborative of parents, teachers and administrators. We provide a communication link between the parents and staff at the school and work to fund enrichment programs for students.
What does the PTSO do?
We raise money for programs, activities, and staff support at Caleb Greenwood. Financial support from the PTSO is critical to Caleb retaining our International Baccalaureate status. For instance, our art and music programs are funded largely through the PTSO. We also contribute to field trips, community events, and more.
Who is the PTSO?
You are already a member of the PTSO! There are no dues nor is there an application. Please join one of our meetings! There are many ways to contribute to Caleb through the PTSO that don’t involve serving on the board or committing to significant time or money.
How can I get involved?
In addition to attending PTSO meetings and volunteering for events during the academic year, you can reach out anytime to with opinions, questions, or anything else. We are here to strengthen our community and your opinion matters.
Who are the 2024-2025 officers?
President – Shana Nijjar (one more year in
Vice President - Jessica Harold (two more years in term)
Treasurer – Kelly Parks (one more year in term)
Auditor – Julie Garrison (one more year in term)
Secretary- Tracey Weinstein (one more year in term)
Member at Large – Amy Botill
Parliamentarian – Katie Cole
To support Caleb Greenwood’s PTSO, simply print and return the donation form linked HERE or donate online using one of the buttons below.”
Thank you for supporting our school!
Cougars Got Talent!
Friday, April 25, 2025
Students! Do you have a special skill? Come one and all; risk-taking is encouraged! Any student can perform individually or with a group.
Comedy? Skits? Singing? Dancing? Magic? Gymnastics? A musical instrument?
Prepare your acts at home or outside of school. Acts should be no longer than 90 seconds in length. (If using an accompanying track, we need a link to a Spotify song in order for the music to play correctly in the Multipurpose room.)
Join a PTSO Committee!
“We already have enough PTSO volunteers,” said no one ever.
Interested in being more involved with Caleb Greenwood next year? Join PTSO or chair a committee!
Dedicated teachers, staff, and families help make Caleb Greenwood Elementary a great school! Join us – it’s rewarding, it’s important, and it’s fun! There are jobs that take no more than a couple hours a month, some that are seasonal, and a few that require a routine commitment.
To nominate yourself or to learn more, please contact